Wednesday, March 25, 2015

French Plane Crash

French Plane Crash

By: Drewv Magan

In recent news the co-pilot of a Germanwings flight started, what was is suspected to be a ten minute decent, into the side of the French alps.  Co-pilot Andreus Lubitz was left alone in the cockpit of the plane while the other pilot went to the restroom. Upon the pilots return the co-pilot would not let him in, nor uttered a word in response to the pilots screams and attempts to break down the door.  Since 9/11 most planes are equipped with bullet proof doors without a key.  The rule is when a pilot leaves the cockpit and flight attendant must take his place.  This was not the case on this flight.  Also, the pilot may have overrode the planes onboard computer because if he had not the plane out not have decent into the mountain.

This connects to Ap gov regarding foreign affairs and how they affects the U.S. indirectly.  Tho this os not a direct threat this affects the United States mass media. 

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Blog – March 19, 2015

Article:  Obama Talks Up Transformative Idea:  Mandatory Voting

Article by: Steve Benen



Blog by:  Drewv Magan

Dozens of States in the US are guilty of curtailing voting rights or blocking Americas’ access to

polls during elections. However, Oregon’s Governor Kate Brown and President Obama are huge

proponents of automatic voter registrations and mandatory voting.  The President cites that if

Americans are worried about the influence that money has on elections, the country should

consider mandatory voting.  Obama noted that mandatory voting works in countries like

Australia and it could work here too.

“President Barack Obama on Wednesday suggested that if American voters want to “counteract” the

role of money in politics, it may be worth making voting mandatory.”

“It would be transformative if everybody voted,” Obama said during a town hall event in Cleveland,

Ohio. “That would counteract (campaign) money more than anything. If everybody voted, then it

would completely change the political map in this country.”

The President said that only 36% of Americans actually come out and vote during elections.  It is

the older, wealthier, mostly white population that votes.  Immigrants, minorities, younger and

low income people are the ones who don’t come out and vote.  Many proponents of mandatory

voting feel that this would encourage many of these folks to come out and vote.  Opponents of

such a requirement feel that voting is not a duty but a privilege.  Americans should take personal

pride in voting and not be forced to do it.  This connects to Ap Gov because it stress our rights as well

 as the constitution's meaning, as we studied this week.

This will be a subject of debate for many years to come.  It is something to think about and


Thursday, March 12, 2015

Ferguson Shooting

Ferguson Shooting

It seems as though every other day tragedy strikes in Ferguson.  Wether its riots or criminal actions in this case the Ferguson community was taking part in a peaceful riot.  This was no big deal for the police to handle, the citizens were simply exercising their right constituted in the first amendment.   But out of no where, the seemingly peaceful protest quickly went down hill.  Muzzle flashes were seen about 120 yards away, soon after two officers were shot down one of which being 41-year-old Country officer, and other being 32-year-old officer from Webster Groves.  After being rushed to the hospital the police began their search for the perpetrators.  Although they have not yet located the shooters, the search is on.   This connects to AP Gov because most of the people in Ferguson were utilizing their freedom of speech as well as their freedom of assembly which is stated in the constitution.  Personally, I think there is way to much unnessesary violence running rampent through Ferguson. 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

In recent news, Hillary Clinton has requested that her emails be released to the public, ALMOST 5,000 of them.  State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said the department will review the emails provided by Clinton, but it may take a while.  She has spoken about this topic on her Twitter multiple times.  But there's two sides to every story, Clinton also created a separate, private email and secure email server for business purposes.  Although she may not have been doing anything corrupt, it leads republicans to believe that it might be the case.  The creation of a separate email for business is not permitted due to that fact that every email needs to be saved in a database in case anything were to come up, in regards to that matter. She has released many of the emails sent on the alternate account(5,000), but only the ones of her choice.  I believe that thought she may have not done anything wrong, it sure does set the stage for some issues.  This connects to AP Gov because it shows how manipulative politicians can be, as we talking about with the media.