Thursday, February 26, 2015

Obama Vetoes Keystone Pipeline Bill

Source Site:
Date:  February 24, 2015
Blog by:  Drewv Magan

DC politicians are at it again…this time for Obama’s veto of the Keystone Pipeline Bill.

On Tuesday, February 24, 2015, President Barak Obama made good on his promise and vetoed the Keystone XL Pipeline legislation.  Earlier in the month, the Senate led Congress passed a Bill approving the construction of the 1,179 mile pipeline which would connect pipelines from Canada all the way to the Gulf Coast.  Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate will decide by March 3 if they want to override the President’s veto.  Many insiders think that the Senate will not get the 2/3 majority vote it will need to overthrow the President’s veto.  House Leader, Boehner called the veto, “a national embarrassment” and said that the President is too close to the environmental extremist than the people of the United States.  The White House says that the Pipeline may not create as many jobs as the Republican’s think and that the State Departments evaluation of this project hasn’t been completed yet.  Obama says because Congress circumvented the State Department, he vetoed the Bill.  This bill pertains to our class and AP Gov because the president exercised his rights to vote and use checks and balances.

The new Congress has vowed to continue to change the language as necessary to gain the votes to pass the Bill.  Jeb Bush said, “Keystone is a no brainer. Moves us toward energy independence & creates jobs. President Obama must stop playing politics & sign the bill.”

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming months. 

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Obama Vows to Abide by Immigration Court Order

Article source:


Blog by:  Drewv Magan

Date:  2/19/15

Summary of article:

President Obama received a setback this week when a federal judge from Texas blocked his

executive action order on immigration.  Such news has upset 26 states.  Judge Andrew

Hanen sighted a little known rule called the Administrative Procedure Act.  The judge ruled

that the Obama administration did not give provide a long enough notification and

comment period.  This ruling has temporarily setback around 5 million illegal immigrants

who are seeking to become legal.  The White House has strongly said that they do not agree

with the ruling and they will appeal the decision.  They said that the President was well

within his powers to enact the executive order.  As for now, the White House will abide by

the court order.  However, Obama has told his staffers to continue to move forward with

the planning process as he is certain that this ruling will be overturned.  The National

Immigration Law Center is telling the immigrants not to let this deter their plans.  A rep

advised that they need to still get their documents and all paperwork ready to file as soon

as the law is overturned.  While many Democrats see this ruling as unethical and

unconstitutional, Republicans see it as a victory in the sense that Obama cannot just use

executive action when he pleases.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Bobby Jindal rolls out education agenda as he eyes 2016 presidential bid

Date of Article:  February 9, 2015
Blog by:  Drewv Magan

Bobby Jindal has had great success being Governor of Louisiana for the last 2 terms. Since Jindal cannot run for another term, it looks like he has set his eyes on a possible presidential run in 2016.  All signs are pointing to  the fact that the Governor is looking to enter the already crowded race.  With heavy hitters like Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Rand Paul, Jindal’s chances seem bleak at this point in the game.  

The Governor was in Washington, DC on Monday where he took the stage to announce his plan to strengthen the country’s educational system, primarily repealing the Common Core standards that many states have adopted.  He believes in letting parent’s and their local government decide what is the best education for their child, not the federal government who thinks one size fits all.  He feels that proponents of Common Core are positioning themselves with bureaucrats and against parents who want a louder voice in their children’s education.  Jindal says that it comes down to trusting local government, local parents, and teachers in making decisions about education.

While speaking at the a couple of meetings on Monday, he also laid out a plan that outlines what his focus will be on once he completes his term as Governor.  He said he would repeal Obamacare, build the Keystone Pipeline, present a strong foreign policy that focus on stopping Iran’s nuclear program.   Many thought that Jindal is saying too many  of the right things and that he is trying too hard to be liked.  As the polls show, he isn’t faring very well among the other candidates.  Jindal says that he doesn’t care what  the polls and Washington insiders say, he cares what the people say.  He also said that Governors made for better Presidents as they know how to lead and manage.  

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Mitt Romney Decides Not to Run in 2016 Presidential Election

Mitt Romney told supporters and the media that he will not run for president in 2016.  His decision came after finding out that many of his big donors from 2012 would not commit to supporting his campaign.  Many of those key donors are signing up with Jeb Bush instead.  Insiders believe that Republican supporters and donors have moved on, they want to see a fresh face run in 2016. The GOP wants a candidate who will be able to challenge the well-funded Hillary Clinton.  Dozens and dozens of very wealthy donors are now supporting Jeb Bush because they feel that he is the only one who can defeat Hillary Clinton. It will be interesting to see how this plays out on the national stage in the coming months due to the fact that sadly funding may make or beak your campaign.  

By Drewv Magan
