Thursday, February 26, 2015

Obama Vetoes Keystone Pipeline Bill

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Date:  February 24, 2015
Blog by:  Drewv Magan

DC politicians are at it again…this time for Obama’s veto of the Keystone Pipeline Bill.

On Tuesday, February 24, 2015, President Barak Obama made good on his promise and vetoed the Keystone XL Pipeline legislation.  Earlier in the month, the Senate led Congress passed a Bill approving the construction of the 1,179 mile pipeline which would connect pipelines from Canada all the way to the Gulf Coast.  Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell announced that the Senate will decide by March 3 if they want to override the President’s veto.  Many insiders think that the Senate will not get the 2/3 majority vote it will need to overthrow the President’s veto.  House Leader, Boehner called the veto, “a national embarrassment” and said that the President is too close to the environmental extremist than the people of the United States.  The White House says that the Pipeline may not create as many jobs as the Republican’s think and that the State Departments evaluation of this project hasn’t been completed yet.  Obama says because Congress circumvented the State Department, he vetoed the Bill.  This bill pertains to our class and AP Gov because the president exercised his rights to vote and use checks and balances.

The new Congress has vowed to continue to change the language as necessary to gain the votes to pass the Bill.  Jeb Bush said, “Keystone is a no brainer. Moves us toward energy independence & creates jobs. President Obama must stop playing politics & sign the bill.”

It will be interesting to see how this plays out in the coming months. 

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