Thursday, April 16, 2015

Title:  Can Rubio, Bush Both Compete for the Latino Vote?



Author of Article:  Nia-Malika Henderson

Date:  April 13, 2015

Blog by:  Drewv Magan

Two presidential hopefuls from Florida want to be President.  They both speak Spanish, they’ve

both served in government and they are both Republican candidates.  Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush

are in a battle over who will be able to get the most Latino votes in the 2016 election.  Rubio is

the son of Cuban immigrants and Jeb Bush is married to a Mexican woman.  Each has loyalties

to the Latin-American community.

Although Bush hasn’t officially announced that he is running, the fact that they are both

candidates from Florida with similar stances on issues is making it awkward for FL activists and

donors.  Rubio is a Bush protégé and he running against Bush is risky because the Latino vote

may be split.

Jeb Bush has always been a proponent of immigration reform.  He is respected and adored by the

Latino community in Florida.  However, they see Rubio as living the American dream as he was

born to Cuban parents to immigrated to the US.  Both are strong candidates and voters will

struggle with who to vote for.

The GOP will have two Latin-American (Rubio and Cruz) and one Latin-American by marriage

(Bush) to pick from.  This should help the Republicans change how they are viewed by

Democrats in terms of getting the Latino vote.

Many analysts feel that Jeb Bush will have more pull with the Latino community because the

Bush family has always supported and courted them in past elections.  Rubio will have his work

cut out for him.

This article relates to our current study of the Presidency and how important it is to court

minorities as they are starting to represent a large percentage of the voters.  Unlike in the past,

the typical Presidential candidate is not middle-aged, Protestant, white man.  It is inspiring to see

people how people from all backgrounds have a chance in America.

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